A Guide on How to Change the Thumbnail on Facebook Video

September 1, 2023 / Facebook

Facebook videos are now a crucial medium to establish a brand reputation, sell products, express creativity, gain more followers, etc. In this case, video content quality matters a lot. But, at the very first point, you must know that first impressions matter more than ever. 

Here, the thumbnails of the videos are the first impressions in captivating audiences and boosting engagement. So, if quality video content is not gaining enough clicks, it’s the problem with the thumbnail. And you need to change that promptly. But, how to change the thumbnail on Facebook video? 

In this article, we detail the process while covering some relevant aspects.

Why Change Facebook Video Thumbnail

Before knowing the process of how to change a thumbnail on a Facebook video, we suggest you know the reasons for doing the changing task. Below are the reasons.

First Impressions Matter

As a video content creator, you must know that first impression is a crucial thing. Here, the thumbnail is the first thing viewers see. On the basis of their attention to the thumbnail, they decide whether to watch your video or not. A captivating thumbnail instantly grabs viewers’ attention and them click on your video. So, if any of your videos is not getting enough attention, the first thing is to do changing the thumbnail

Increase Click-Through Rates (CTR)

An attractive and relevant thumbnail generates higher click-through rates. When more people click on your video, it signals to Facebook’s algorithm that your content is engaging and valuable. Following this, to increase the click-through rate, you have to modify a thumbnail.

Improved Video Discoverability

If you have posted a video with a thumbnail that is not able to provide hints about the inside content, then your effort will be ineffective. A well-designed thumbnail accurately represents your video’s content. This context helps it to stand out within the social media feeds. To get this advantage, the thumbnail change is necessary.

Enhanced Branding

Custom thumbnails allow you to incorporate your brand’s colors, logos, and visual identity. So, if you are representing a brand, it is better to modify the FB video’s thumbnail according to the brand’s goal and identity.

Better Audience Expectation

When your thumbnail accurately portrays the content of your video, viewers will have a clearer understanding of what to expect. It is actually a matter of viewers’ experience and your brand’s reputation. If any of your video’s thumbnails cannot incorporate this, you must change that.

Storytelling Potential

Thumbnails have the power to tell a story in a single image. We suggest you modify your boring thumbnail to an engaging one by including the emotional appeal of your video. We suggest you download a highly engaging FB video by using Facebook Reels Downloader and its thumbnail to determine how to tell a story through the thumbnail.

Stand Apart from Crowd

Gaining popularity and attention on Social media is highly competitive. You must change the video thumbnails effectively to stand out from the crowded social media feeds. It will provide you or your business with a competitive edge and help your content rise above the noise.

Analytical Insights

Changing thumbnails allows you to monitor the impact of your choices through metrics like click-through rates, views, and engagement. This data can inform future content and thumbnail decisions.

Guide on How to Change Thumbnail on Facebook Video

Here, we inform you of the process of how to change the thumbnail on Facebook videos.

Thumbnail Change: Before Posting the Video

Follow the stepwise guideline.

Step 01: Open any suitable browser and log in to your Facebook account.

Step 02: Now, go to the “darft” or “unpublished” posts. And select the video that you want to publish after changing the thumbnail.

Step 03: On the video banner, there is a button named ”edit” in the upper left corner.

Step 04: Upon clicking on that, a menu will be opened with several options including the “change thumbnail” option.

Step 05: Click on that.

Step 06: Form the given options: upload mage, choose form video, and choose suggested, select the preferred option. We suggest you prepare your video’s thumbnail and save it on the device earlier. This customized thumbnail can effectively meet your goal.

Step 07: After selecting the preferred option, click on the button named “save.”

Step 08: Now, publish your Facebook video.

Thumbnail Change: After Posting the Video

Step 01: Open any suitable browser and go to the Facebook website.

Step 02: Log in to your FB account.

Step 03: Go to your profile page and identify the option named “videos.”

Step 04: Press the “videos” to get access to all of your posted videos.

Step 05: Click on the video that the thumbnail you want to change.

Step 06: Press the three dots in the top-right corner.

Step 07: Now, a menu will come with will several options. Select

“edit video” option.

Step 08: On the video banner, click the “edit” button. And go for the “change thumbnail” option.

Step 09: Select the preferred option from upload mage, choose form video, and choose suggested.

Step 10: Upon the completion of uploading, press the save button. You have successfully changed the thumbnail.

Can I change the thumbnail of a FB video on mobile devices?

Yes, you can change the thumbnail of a video on mobile devices through the Facebook app. Navigate to the video you want to edit, tap on the “More” or “Edit” button, and look for the option to change the thumbnail.

Is A/B testing recommended for video thumbnails?

Yes, We highly recommend you use A/B testing. You can try different thumbnails for the same video to evaluate the performance of each thumbnail. It will inform you which one works best for your audience.

Can I change the thumbnail of a video after it’s been posted?

Yes, you can change the thumbnail of a video even after it’s been posted. Simply locate the video in your “Video Library,” follow the steps to edit the video, and select a new thumbnail.

Final Words

We hope that now you have a clear idea of how to change the thumbnail on the Facebook video. By using the mentioned guideline, you will be able to change the thumbnail easily. However, we suggest you do some A vs B analysis in terms of thumbnail creation. 

It will restrict the need for video banner changing in the very first place. It means by creating and using the right and result-oriented thumbnail when publishing the video, you are going to save the time and effort that required for changing the thumbnail.

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