How to Fix Black Screen on Facebook Videos: Effective Solutions

August 14, 2023 / Facebook

Facebook is not only just a platform to post, share, and view text-based content, but also it is now a great source of video content. On this platform, creators can post their videos to express their creativity, ideas, and thoughts while incorporating various business needs. 

On the other hand, the viewers also now have the opportunity to watch those videos in terms of entertainment, collecting information, and learning. Whether you are a creator or a viewer, the black screen is a disturbing issue that you cannot deny. 

But how to fix the black screen on Facebook videos? Here, we describe the process while elaborating on some relevant aspects.

Why Fix Black Screen on Facebook Videos

Before knowing the FB video’s black screen issue, we suggest you know the reasons for fixing it. It will assist you in justifying your action of fixing.

  • Resolving the black screen problem allows you to enjoy videos on Facebook without frustrating interruptions. 
  • The fixing ensures that you don’t miss out on any content component.
  • By fixing the black screen, you actively engage with the content by liking, commenting, sharing, etc.
  • If you’re a content creator, resolving the black screen ensures your videos reach your audience as intended. It assures you that the viewers have the best experience.
  • Constantly refreshing or troubleshooting the black screen issue wastes your time. A permanent fix allows you to use your time more productively and enjoyably.

Why are My Facebook Videos Black

There are several factors that can trigger a completely black or transparent screen glitch while using Facebook on your device. We suggest you have an in-depth understanding of the black screen issue’s occurrence. Below is a list of reasons to answer your question of why are my Facebook videos black.

  • If your device’s cookie setting is incorrect, it can result in accommodating a black screen while you deal with FB video content.
  • Fluctuating or unreliable internet connectivity is also considered a crucial culprit behind the Facebook black screen issue.
  • In general, if you are not tech-savvy, you may install incompatible or unsuitable extensions on Chrome. These types of extensions disrupt the effective and smooth functioning of Facebook. And the black screen issue occurs.
  • Incompatibility between your hardware and Facebook’s requirements also hosts the black screen problem.
  • If you are using Facebook through an outdated browser version, it will host incompatibility. Finally, you will experience various problems using FB, including black screen issues in the case of FB video watching.  
  • This is applicable to using Facebook on mobile. If the Android or iOS version is outdated, the Facebook mobile app usually faces challenges. Often, it results in a black screen initiation.

Effective Methods on How to Fix Black Screens on Facebook Videos

A very easy and prompt solution is using a Facebook Reels Downloader service to get the videos without black screen issue. However, it might not fit you if you want to watch the reels on FB only. 

To elaborate on how to fix the black screen on Facebook videos, we would like to provide you with some permanent solutions. Check out those, one by one.

Method 01: Solving Browser Issue

It is what we call the simplest method of fixing. Whether you are using Chrome, Firefox, or any other browser, it is very certain that the browser adapts to some changes as per your website visits. 

In this case, again, when you return to Facebook, the browser sometimes does not act as earlier. This context leads to slow loading of the FB videos and hosts black screen issues. 

The solution is simple, just go for a “refresh.” The browser will receive its earlier setting, and the internet will also get back its speed. Following this, the black screen issue will be gone. Additionally, as a part of this refreshing process, we also suggest you log out and log in to your FB account. 

Method 02: Using Incognito Mode

Well, truly speaking, it is not a permanent fix. Try this out if you need a prompt solution to the black screen problem. Follow the below stepwise guidelines.

  • Open a Chrome browser.
  • On the screen, identify the “three dot” button. It is located top right corner of the screen.
  • Click on it.
  • A drop-down menu will be open with various options.
  • Click on the “new incognito window.”
  • The system will take you to the Incognito Mode.
  • On the search bar, type “”
  • Log in to your account. 
  • You will see the black screen issue is gone. 

Method 03: Turning Off Security Software

Sometimes, the anti-virus or firewall protection on your device also obstructs the effective and smooth loading of FB videos. In this case, depending on the Windows version, go to the “app uninstall” option from the control panel. Then, uninstall the respective application or software, but do not remove it. 

Now, play the FB video. As the black screen issue is now gone, reinstall the protective measure(s).

Method 04: Resolve Extension Conflicts

Follow the below steps.

  • Open your web browser.
  • Identify “Manage Extensions” at the top right corner. It is just beside the “bookmark” icon.
  • Find similar types of extensions that might encounter conflict. Turn off such extensions by the respective button.
  • After that, refresh your browser and head over to your Facebook account page.
  • Reload the FB page. Your issue is resolved.

Method 05: Clear the Cookies

Follow the below steps.

  • Open browser.
  • Go to browser settings from the “three dots” button at the top right corner of the page.
  • Go to settings.
  • Go to “privacy and security.”
  • Now, select a time limit and press the “clear cookies” button.
  • Restart the browser.
  • The FB videos’ black screen issue is gone.
Is the black screen issue only related to Facebook videos? 

The black screen issue is commonly associated with Facebook videos. But you can face this issue with other websites and platforms. We sometimes face this issue with YouTube videos.

What if none of the solutions works? 

If the issue persists after you apply the suggested solutions, it is time to reach out to Facebook’s support or seek assistance in online forums. It’s possible that the problem could be related to a larger technical issue that requires professional help.

Is the Facebook black screen problem related to viruses or malware? 

The FB video’s black screen issue, in general, does not occur due to viruses or malware. However, you can run a scan and get rid of such viruses or malware. Running a malware scan on your device is always a good practice.

Final Words

We hope that now you have a clear idea about how to fix black screen on Facebook videos. By employing the above-mention methods, you can easily do that. However, If the issue persists, we suggest you change the browser setting and restart your device. 

If the issue remains even after all these approaches’ applications, contact the Facebook customer care department.

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