How to Share a Video from Facebook to Instagram: Solved

August 21, 2023 / Instagram

As a social media user, you must know that Facebook and Instagram are now under the same company. And Instagram allows creators to share Facebook videos on the platform. This is a crucial opportunity for creators and businesses to maximize their reach toward increasing the ROI. 

But, many Facebook video creators do not know how to share a video from Facebook to Instagram. In this article, we detail the sharing process and cover some relevant aspects.

Why Share Facebook Videos on Instagram

We see, before knowing how to share a video from Facebook to Instagram, it is essential to know the reason. It will help you to justify your action of such sharing.

Wider Audience Reach

Both of the social media platforms, Facebook and Instagram, are designated to different demographics and user preferences. If you share your Facebook video on Instagram, it will surely boost your content to a broader range of users. 

It means there is an increased chance of reaching potential followers, customers, or fans who are not active on Facebook.

Enhanced Engagement

Instagram is now gaining more popularity than Facebook. It accommodates various highly interactive features like likes, comments, shares, and direct messages. So, if you post the FB reel on Instagram, the content will receive greater engagement. 

Finally, you will be avail of the chance to convert those engagements into sales or increase the number of core followers. 

Diverse Content Consumption Habits

People consume content differently on Facebook and Instagram. We see most Facebook users favor the consumption of long-form content by tradition. In this case, the short-form videos on Facebook do not receive that much of attention. Whereas, Instagram is ideal for short and attention-grabbing visuals. 

Following this, it is very logical to share the Facebook reels on Instagram. Also, long-form videos can gain broader attention on Instagram.

Brand Consistency

To maintain your brand’s consistency and reputation, cross-platform sharing is a must. It ensures that your brand is credible and authentic. If people see that your brand’s presence is on every social media platform, they get more confidence in your brand. They feel comfortable interacting with those brands that are present on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. 

Searchable Content

Instagram’s search and discovery features allow users to find content based on hashtags and location tags. Here, if you share your FB videos on Instagram with proper hashtags and location tags, there is a huge chance that your content will pop up on the search page. 

But, in this case, FB works differently. So, sharing FB videos on Instagram means you are enhancing your chance to get on the top-pick list of the search. 

Explore New Formats

Instagram offers various formats like Stories, Reels, IGTV, and regular posts. Repurposing your Facebook video into these formats allows you to learn new things. We see this learning as crucial for every digital marketer and creator to attract a different set of viewers.

Time-Sensitive Content

Sharing FB videos on Instagram is fruitful for time-sensitive content like promotions, announcements, etc. These time-sensitive contents require faster sharing before the expiration of the event, promotion, and so on. 

So, sharing it on Instagram helps you quickly spread the message to your Instagram audience without recreating the content from scratch. Most importantly, it saves you time and effort.Guide on How to Share a Video from Facebook to Instagram

The following is the stepwise guide on how to share a video from Facebook to Instagram. Two methods we mention here.

Method 01: Sharing FB Video Directly to Instagram

We describe sharing processes using computers and mobile.

For Computer 

Step 01: Open any suitable browser on your desktop or laptop.

Step 02: Go to the Facebook site and log in to your account.

Step 03: Identify the FB video you want to share on Instagram.

Step 04: Click on the “share” button and copy the link from the opened menu.

Step 05: Now, open an Instagram site on a new tab.

Step 06: Log in to your Insta account and go to the “message” option.

Step 07: Paste this link on the message box and select the audience group.

Step 08: Click the “send” button.

For Mobile

Step 01: Go to Facebook app on your mobile.

Step 02: Select the FB video to share on Instagram.

Step 03: Identify the share icon. It is located at the bottom right corner of the screen.

Step 04: Tap on the “more options” button. From the options, select Instagram.

Step 05: Finally, tap on the “send” button.

Method 02: Using Facebook Reels Downloader Service

Step 01: Go to your Facebook account by logging.

Step 02: Select the respective video that you want to share on Instagram.

Step 03: Copy the link to the video.

Step 04: Now, go to Reels Save Facebook Reels Downloader.

Step 05: Identify the downloader bar and place the link.

Step 06: Click the “download” button. By default, the downloaded video will get saved in the “download” section.

Step 07: Log in to your Instagram account.

Step 08: Go to the section named “videos.” Show the system the respective video file in the download section on your device.

Step 09: Upon completion of the uploading process, impose filters and caption.

Step 10: Make the necessary adjustments work, like fixing the aspect ratio, adding hashtags, etc.

Step 11: Finally, go for publishing the Facebook video on Instagram.

Do hashtags work the same way on Instagram as they do on Facebook?

Hashtags are used on both platforms, and they are very crucial for the video’s success. However, the function of hashtags is a bit different for Facebook and Instagram. Instagram hashtags are designated to incorporate local and specific search contexts, while Facebook hashtags work as a general search term. 

Can I share the same FB video on both my Instagram Feed and Stories? 

Yes, you can do that by repurposing the same video for both your Instagram Feed and Stories. We suggest you keep in mind the different aspect ratios and lengths required for each format.

Can I edit the video before sharing it on Instagram? 

Yes, you can edit the video before sharing it on Instagram. Editing can include cropping to the appropriate aspect ratio, trimming the length, adding captions, and enhancing the overall visual quality.

Final Words

We hope that now you have a clear understanding of how to share a video from Facebook to Instagram. By employing the given stepwise guide, you can easily do that. However, we would like to mention two more things here. 

First, before sharing Facebook content on Instagram, check the community guideline of Instagram. Second, if you are sharing other’s video content, you must ensure that you have permission or that the video content is for general purposes on Facebook.

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