Our Answer to How to Turn Off Comments on Facebook Reels

July 21, 2023 / Facebook

In the current digital age, social media platforms are an integral part of our lives. And Facebook is the prominent one, with billions of active worldwide users who have different ideologies, beliefs, norms, ethics, etc. By being a reel creator, you consider this diversified-user context and should have more control over your published Facebook reels. 

Here, turning off the comment is one of the lucrative solutions. Whether it’s to avoid negativity or maintain privacy, turning off comments on Facebook Reels can provide a sense of control and create a more enjoyable experience. But how to turn off comments on Facebook reels

In this article, we detail the comment turning-off process while covering some relevant aspects.

Why Turning Off Comments of Facebook Reels

We see that you must understand the criteria for comment turn-off before knowing the answer to how to turn off comments on Facebook reels. Below is the detailed discussion.

Avoiding Unwanted Feedbacks

We see many creators do not want to receive comments in the form of feedback or criticism from any unknown or unwanted person. If you fall in this category, switching off the comment option is a great solution. 

By turning off comments, you can ensure that your short videos are viewed without the potential intrusion of comments from unknown individuals.

Avoiding Negativity

It is true that the “online” world is helpful for growing a concept or business. But unfortunately, the digital world is a space where negativity and online harassment cannot be restricted. In this case, turning off comments is a proactive step to mitigate the risk of receiving hurtful or abusive comments on your reels. 

By taking this action, you create a more positive and supportive environment for your content.

Focusing on Content

If your main goal is to share your creativity and express yourself through Reels, turning off comments matters. It helps restrict the focus of viewers only to the content. It allows your viewers to experience your masterworks without the need to engage in discussions.

Reducing Spam

Comment sections are often susceptible to spam or automated bot comments. Also, many marketers use the comment section for marketing their product or service. 

Both of these negatively impact the conversation and engagement. By disabling comments, you prevent spam and unwanted marketers’ interactions on your Reels.

Controlling Brand Image

For businesses or creators with a brand presence on Facebook Reels, turning off comments is crucial. It supports the retention of brand value by restricting fake negative and intentional comments. 

It actually serves as a strategic pathway for a digital marketer and content creator. To cut a long story short, it allows you to maintain full control over the narrative associated with your content.

Step-by-step Guide on How to Turn Off Comments on Facebook Reels

You can switch off comments on FB reels by using two particular approaches. Below are the methods to answer how to turn off comments on Facebook reels.

Step 01: Comment Turn Off via Public Post

  • Open any suitable browser on your device, phone, or computer.
  • Go to the Facebook website and log in to your account.
  • Click on your profile picture at the top right corner of the page.
  • It will open a drop-down menu.
  • From this drop-down menu, go to settings.
  • In the “settings” page, you will see several options on the left side panel.
  • Click on the “public post” option.
  • Now, you will see an option named “public post comments.”
  • Here, by default, the setting is “public.”
  • Click on that and select only friends.

After finishing this stage, no one except your friends will be able to comment on your reels. 

Step 02: Comment Turn Off Via Reaction Preference

  • Again go to your Facebook profile.
  • Click on the small profile picture at the top right part of the screen.
  • From the respective drop-down menu, click on the “settings” option.
  • On the settings display, click on the “reaction preferences” at the left side panel.
  • At the right portion of the display, you will see two options. You have to work on the “on you posts” option.
  • Just turn off the button by clicking on the right side of the button.
  • You have successfully turned off comments on your reels.

Can I download comments to a spreadsheet to review those easily?

Services like Reels Save Facebook Reels Downloader offers you to download the reels. But till now, there is no option to download the comments for reviewing each one on a spreadsheet. However, technology is advancing, so it might not be that far to download the comments as well.

Can I turn off comments for individual Facebook Reels, or is it a global setting? 

Yes, you can turn off comments for individual Facebook Reels. It allows you to have more control over which Reels. It is up to you whether you want to receive comments or not. And this context is applicable to all of the reels.

Can I still see the comments if I turn them off? 

Yes, you will be able to see the comments on your Facebook Reels even if you have turned off comments. However, other users will not be able to view or add comments. This provides you with the opportunity to allow any comment to go public while restricting some other comments.

Final Words

We hope that now you have a clear idea about how to turn off comments on Facebook reels. However, disabling reels’ comments provide some advantages in terms of more control, retention of brand image, exclusion of negativity, etc. 

However, you should know that comments are a great form to trigger engagement and interaction of your reels. And without engagement, you won’t be able to establish a solid fan base. 

So, we suggest you use the filter option on the comment process by selecting some words which you suspect will contain negativity. This option is available in the” settings” public posts section.

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