Expert Guide on How to Deal With Saved Facebook Reels

October 6, 2023 / Facebook

At present, short-form videos have gained more popularity than even long-form videos. In this trend, Facebook Reels are considered top on the popularity list of short video watching, liking, sharing, etc. Following this, with the growing popularity of FB reels, people are now eager to create their own library consisting of their favorite reels. The only way to do this is to go for saved Facebook reels

This reel-saving action of yours is like originating your own personal video collection. Here, instead of just watching videos and moving on, you can save the ones you love to watch again later. We see it’s a lucrative way to have more fun and enjoyment by watching the loved and interesting videos again and again.

In this article, we cover all the relevant aspects of this context. Let’s check out the following discussion to get an in-depth understanding.

Basics of Saved Facebook Reels

The concept of “Saved Facebook Reels” is simple to understand. In general, to watch a FB reel, you log in to your account and on the feed to see the listed reels. The listed reels are from various categories and have different intents. Some just show the products to make sales; some just post sexy clips to get views and earn money; some try to teach any matter; some share their knowledge, etc. 

Right Reels for You

Now, the issue is that you are not likely to be interested in all these types of reels. You want to watch reels according to your tastes, needs, and preferences. Here comes the solution in the form of saved reels. You just copy the links of your favorite reels and use a third-party service like Reelssave Facebook Reels Downloader to download and save those reels. It allows you to rewatch or watch those reels later on when you are free. Still, you also get the opportunity to access a certain reel when you need to solve a problem, like how to pay for Netflix, join two PVC pipes, or install a metal net on the window.

Popularity of Reels 

In summation, the saved FB reels become your own collection of favorite short videos on Facebook. It acts like a special bookmark for content you want to watch again for entertainment or when you need to apply any learning. Unlike regular Reels that you scroll through, Saved Reels are your personalized video library, reflecting your interests. They enhance user engagement by allowing you to curate content, making your Facebook experience more unique and enjoyable.

Below graphical representation below shows the popularity of short videos on Facebook

Why Saved Facebook Reels are Highly Preferred

The reasons below justify your initiatives to save FB reels.

Creating Personal Collection

It’s Like Your Own Video Collection. Saved Reels lets you gather your favorite short videos in one place. So, when you are bored and looking for entertainment to get a mental boost, this personal library of reels can help you eliminate boredom. 

Additionally, you can create a personalized playlist of videos that match your interests and humor. In this way, you can watch any type of short-form video by switching between the categories. However, it eliminates the requirement to browse Facebook reels history

If you want to gather general knowledge about any particular matter, just play the respective playlist. On the other hand, if you are in the mood to watch some of Justine Biber’s music videos, play the respective playlist. Fascinating facility, right?

Easy Access

Imagine you are looking for a DIY method to reset your router. You know that there is a reel about this on FB, which you watched earlier. But that time, you were not required to know the method and didn’t save the reels’ link. In this case, finding that particular reel is an overwhelming job. 

Additionally, there is a high possibility that you won’t be able to find that particular reel. Now, think that you have created a library of saved Reels containing various essential DIY methods. 

If you have done such, you will easily find out the respective router resetting DIY method’s reel very easily. The same goes for recipes, movie clips, informative facts, taking care of pets, dressing tips, etc. In short, if you have saved Facebook reels, you enhance your chance to find and rewatch videos that you love or need on a prompt basis.

Beating FOMO 

Facebook algorithm is very active and moves the reels very fast. Just log in to your account and watch a reel, then log out. After just five minutes, log in again; you won’t be able to see that particular reel even after searching for hours. So, if you ask how long can a reel be on Facebook, the answer is that it stays on the feed for a few seconds or minutes depending on the engagement.  

However, if you are lucky, the case is different; you will see that within minutes! Following this context, we must say that if you keep the FB reels saved, you have no worries about missing out on great content. In this way, you can save FB reels that are interesting for watching later, so you don’t miss the latest viral trend or valuable tips.


Saved Reels also lets you share reel to Facebook with friends and family. It’s a simple way to share your joyful experience with your loved ones. Indirectly, this sharing will strengthen the bond between you and the respective person, as that person will feel valued.

Staying Organized

By using Saved Reels, you can keep your social media feed tidy and organized. If you have a library that nicely categorizes your favorite reels, there is no more endless scrolling to find the very reel that you are looking for. In short, saving Facebook’s short videos means everything you love is neatly stored for you.

How to Save Facebook Reels

The following are the stepwise guidelines to save FB reels on your device.

Step 01: Open any suitable browser on your phone, desktop, or laptop.

Step 02: Go to Log in to your Facebook account by using the user ID and password.

Step 03: Go through the guidelines on how to view reels on Facebook and select the reel(s) that meet your taste, need, and preferences.

Step 04: Go to the option named “share.” Check on that “share” button.

Step 05: You will see the URL of the reel. It is the official link of that reel. Just copy the link.

Step 06: Now, go to the Reelssave website and identify the respective bar which is dedicated to pasting the copied link.

Step 07: Upon pasting the copied link of your favorite reel, press the button named “Download.” The system will start downloading the reel you have selected. By default, the downloaded reel will be saved on the download.

Step 08: To create a library of the saved reels, select a desired driver that has ample empty spaces. Create a new folder and name it “saved reels.” In this folder, create multiple folders to keep the saved reels in a category wise. 

Step 09: Now, copy the downloaded reels from the download folder. And paste the respective reel to the suitable category folder that you created earlier.

Step 10: Finally, you have an enriched library of saved Facebook reels

Precautions You Need to Take to Save Facebook Reels

Privacy and maintaining respective community guidelines are very important when you go for download and save any Facebook reel. People trust Facebook with their personal information, so keeping that information safe is crucial. We suggest that before heading to download and save any reel, check its privacy settings.

Not Sharing Privet Reels 

If the reel is in “private” mode, do not download, share, or save it. It is a violation of Facebook’s user policy, and your account might get banned temporarily or permanently. Also, you need to make sure that how data is collected and used in terms of FB reels. You must ensure that the downloaded and saved short videos are clear and fair to everyone.

No Manipulation 

You must not repost the saved short videos and manipulate the system to gain views of your content, which is basically not your content. Facebook has a big job to do in making sure that the platform is safe and fair for everyone.

Restricting Spreading Inappropriate Contents 

This means you need to be careful that you do not download, save, or share any reel that copromotes violence, pornography, sexual abuse, verbal abuse, etc. Following these rules and regulations makes things good for making people happy. These actions of yours are also important for making Saved Facebook Reels a success in the world of online videos.

Final Words

We hope that now you have a very clear idea about the overall context of saved Facebook reels. The above-mentioned are sufficient enough to educate you regarding the saved reels’ purposes, the process of saving the reels, fair use of the saved reels, etc. Finally, we suggest you consult with us if you have any confusion or queries about any matter related to Facebook reel saving.

People Also Ask

Can I remove videos from my Saved Reels?

Yes, you can remove videos from your Saved Reels at any time. Go to your collection and select the reel you want to remove. Then press “delete” option. 

Who can see my saved reels on Facebook?

No one can see your saved reels. Your Saved Reels are private; other users cannot see which videos you’ve saved. If you give a friend and family access to the respective folder containing saved reels, then he or she can see the short videos.

Is saving FB reels free of cost?

Yes, it is totally. By using Reelssave, you can easily download and save the reels without spending a single penny.

Can you save Facebook reels?

Yes, you can save Facebook reels. By using Facebook downloader you can download and save FB reels.

Can you save a Facebook reel to your phone?

Yes, you can do that. Just download the reel and save in a desired folder on your phone.

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